Your Reviewer
My Credentials
So who's doing this reviewing then?

Well I've been building and flying or driving radio controlled models for over 40 years and during that time I like to think I've built up a reasonable amount of knowledge.
I'm also a qualified electronics engineer who has worked in radio frequency, analog, digital systems and software for more than three decades. In fact I designed and built my first RC set back in 1969.
For the past nine years I've also been involved in the design and manufacture of some rather sophisticated engine technology and UAV flight control systems.
So, chances are I've been there, done that and have a huge pile of tee shirts to prove it.
Right now I'm heavily into 3D flying and enjoy all aspects of the RC hobby. I may be old but I don't feel it.
In the Pipeline
Here's just a little bit of what's to come on this site...
RC explained: Demystifying terms such as PCM, PPM dual conversion, single conversion, full-range etc., this feature will explain it all.
Cheap Chinese Engines: Just how good are those cheap Chinese glow and gas engines that sell for half the price of their "brand-name" equivalent? I put several to the test.
Build your own radio gear?: Back in the old days, building your own RC gear was not uncommon and now the arrival of 2.4GHz has made it practical again.
Want to republish an article or review?

Dated: 3 June 2010
I get a lot of people asking if they can republish articles or reviews from this website so I've created this page to outline the process for seeking a licence to republish.
All the content here (except where noted) is copyright to me (Bruce Simpson) publishing under the name RCModelReviews. That means you can't just copy it and use it without permission -- not only would that be illegal but it's also unfair.
I spend a huge amount of time and a not inconsiderable amount of money creating the articles and reviews that you'll find on this website so it stands to reason that anyone who simply copies that material, without permission, for their own purposes is really acting rather unfairly.
A no-fee license to republish for non-profit
Since my goal with this website is to provide RC modelers with the information they need to make sensible purchasing decisions and to help educate those who are new to the hobby, I am keen to see the content on these pages reach as many interested people as possible.
To that end, I am happy to grant a "no-fee license to republish" to almost anyone who requests one, so long as the material is not used in a "for profit" publication and so long as proper attribution (ie: "copyright 2010 RC Model Reviews,"). When republication is on the web, an active hyperlink to must be included in the atttribution.
But, you really do need to contact me and get a license so I can keep a track of who's republishing what. That's so I don't accidentally fire a DMCA take-down notice off to you or get my knickers twisted because you didn't request a license first.
So, if you're looking for extra material for your club newsletter or website then feel free to contact me with details of what articles or reviews you'd like to republish and where you'll be using them. Such requests are welcomed and I have yet to refuse anyone.
However... this doesn't mean you can set up your own copy of the RCModelReviews website and simply republish everything that appears here. You must contact me to get permission for each article you wish to republish.
A commercial license to republish
If you publish a commercial website (ie: one that is run for profit and/or which is a retail/wholesaler of products) then I am also happy to allow articles and reviews from this website to be republished, albeit there will be a small fee involved.
It makes no sense for me to invest long hours and chunks of my own money to create content that others might then take for free and use for profit. All moneys earned by commercial-use licenses will be plowed back into this site to fund the creation of new content.
So, if you publish a printed magazine, a commercial webzine, a commercial forum, or other commercial operation, please contact me with details of what you'd like to republish and we can negotiate a token amount for the use of the content concerned.
Just to make sure the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed from a legal perspective I have to include a statement of copyright (again).
All this stuff (except where expressly stated) belongs to me and I assert copyright over it.
Except as detailed above, you can't copy it and use it without permission. You can't copy it and use it without attribution. You can't copy it and claim it as your own.
By accessing this website, you agree to be bound by the above.
Terms and Conditions
More "must have" legal stuff here but I'll state it in plain English...
The content on this website is published in good faith and in the belief that it is accurate and objective but no responsibility can be taken for any errors or omissions.
Users of the website agree that by accepting the invitation to read material on this website, they are acknowledging the above and agree that the publisher can in no way be held liable for any factual inaccuracies or other errors that might exist. Nor can the publisher be held liable for any actions or inactions that users might take based on the information found here -- whether it's correct or not.
In short -- all care is taken but no liability is accepted.
Having said that, if there are any mistakes, please let me know and I'll fix them straight away.
Related links
Fresh Articles:
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The Blog
Updated: 20 Sep 2012
Here's a blog that will keep you informed just what's going on behind
the scenes at RC Model Reviews and also tells you a little more about
How compatible are 2.4GHz RC systems?
23 Mar 2010
How come there's no compatibility between different brands of transmitters and receivers?
Why can't you use a cheap Chinese receiver with your Futaba FASST radio?
How to get a product reviewed here
4 Mar 2010
Since this has become a very frequently asked question, I've posted this
simple guide to getting your product, or a product you're thinking of
buying reviewed here at RCModelReviews
How servos work
Useful information on what's inside your servos and how they work.
The Good Oil
Important facts you should know about the oils that are used in our model engine fuels.
Heads-Up: 2.4GHz RC systems tested
How well do five different 2.4GHz systems stack up when hit by interference? The answers are here, with more to come.
Review: Bushnell's $80 Speed Gun
Yes it does work on model airplanes but there are some limitations involved with this bargain-basement radar speed gun.
Review: TowerPro MG995 servo
These are possibly the world's worst servos, find out exactly why you should avoid these boat-anchors at any cost.
Review: SK90

It's cheap but can it really stack up against other glow engines in the .90 market? Find out in this review.
Review: iMax 9X 2.4GHz radio
How does this cheap 9-channel 2.4GHz radio system perform when compared to big-name systems that can cost two or three times as much? Have the Chinese finally developed a real contender with the iMax 9X?
2.4GHz Explained
Does all this 2.4GHz stuff have your head spinning?
I've done my best to demystify the whole subject so if you feel like a bit of learning, this is the stuff for you!
Fix That Engine!
How can you tell when your engine needs new bearings? Who has the best prices and service on replacements? Just how do you change them? Get all that information and watch a great video tutorial anyone can follow.
Chinese Servos - How do they stack up?

The Chinese are now churning out a huge number of very reasonably priced no-name servos. But are they any good?
Baffled by batteries?
Nicad, NiMH, Li-Ion, LiPoly, LiFePO4, A123... the range of different
battery types has never been greater. So how do they differ and
what type should you be using?
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